• 15 ноября 2012, четверг
  • Санкт-Петербург, Шпалерная улица, 56, Vodokanal

training and information workshops for GREEN is GREAT project volunteers

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Новая площадка команды ДЭЦ
4183 дня назад
с 16:00 15 ноября до 19:00 16 ноября 2012
Шпалерная улица, 56, Vodokanal

This page is created to register the volunteers which participate in an environmental education project Green is great: freshening up ideas for water use. The volunteers are invited to attend the training wprkshops and then to lead lessons for the school students.

This page is created to register the volunteers which participate in an environmental education project Green is great: freshening up ideas for water use. The volunteers are invited to attend the training wprkshops and then to lead lessons for the scool students.

The first part of the training on 15th of November will cover the key water issues and their role in achieveing sustainability.

Second part of training will be organised on 16th of November and will help the volunteers to learn about methodology of the lessons for the school students.


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